
Test 2


SOSGA logo idea:

Just testing images. The following are images I’ve turned into Flairs on Facebook.

Lemon Flair

Lemon Flair

Save Stargate Atlantis image

Save Stargate Atlantis image

I decided that I’d join WordPress and have a play with the templates here. Imagine my surprise when WP told me that the email address was already in use. Well my email isn’t exactly common so I figured I must have joined up and forgotten. Sure enough when I logged in it worked and I realised I created this site a couple of years ago for some projects at work.

It’s crazy the number of things I’ve signed up to on the ‘net. How ’bout you? A couple of years ago I stumbled over a NASA site and discovered that I’d signed my name up over a year earlier to have my name on a DVD stored on the Mars Rover. Well I’m up there right now, at least my name is. A friend told me I should be worried because “guess who’s going to be abducted by aliens first”. Ha ha! So long as it’s not a wraith.

Cheers, Chev

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